Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Kindergarten Picnic

Dear Kindergarten Families, We can't believe our 'End of the Year Picnic' is tomorrow! We have received many replies from families that are able to attend the picnic and are looking forward to wrapping up another successful year! If you have yet to reply and would like to, you are welcome to come by! The picnic is on Wednesday, June 20th at 9:00 a.m. We are asking that families meet us outside of the kindergarten pen, on the grass area to the right of the pen. If you are able to attend, please bring a blanket/towel for you and your child to sit on while they have their morning snack. All children should be coming to school with their morning snack, water bottle and a hat. Children should be coming to school with sunscreen already applied. If you are not able to attend the picnic, you may send a small beach towel/blanket for your child to sit on with some of the other students that will be doing the same. If you are bringing a snack for yourself, please ensure that it is peanut/nut free and kindly do not share any food items with other children. Thanks, Kindergarten Team

Kindergarten Picnic

Dear Kindergarten Families, We can't believe our 'End of the Year Picnic' is tomorrow! We have received many replies from fam...