Monday 24 September 2018

Terry Fox - Thursday, September 27 2018

On September 1st 1980, Terry Fox was forced to abandon his run across Canada in Thunder Bay Ontario, when the cancer that had taken his leg returned, spreading to his lungs.  Refusing to be defeated, his charged Canadians with continuing his quest.  “Even if I don’t finish, we need others to continue.  It’s got to keep going.”
While it seemed that Terry Fox’s dream of raising $1 for every Canadian was in jeopardy, the nation responded.  The CTV network organized a telethon in support of Terry’s cause and helped raise over ten million dollars.  By February of 1981 the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope fund eclipsed twenty four million dollars, the (then) national population.  Less than five months later, Terry would lose his battle to cancer.  He was 22 years old.
Though thirty-eight years have passed since the original Marathon of Hope, Terry Fox is honoured and recognized across Canada and internationally for his heroic quest to eradicate cancer and his trailblazing attitudes toward disability.  With over half a billion dollars raised in Terry’s name to date, schools across Canada honour him by participating in an annual school event.  This year, the National School Run will be held on Thursday, September 27 2018. Please remember to send your child with a water bottle on Thursday.
Over Bayview Glen Public School's twenty-one years of participating in the annual event, the school has raised a staggering $51,930.33, and we’re hoping to continue this year.  Please help our fundraising efforts by sending a Toonie (or Toonies or any donation!) with your child by September 27th.  Donations can be dropped off in our collection box in the office at any time.  As each student brings in ‘Toonies for Terry’, we will continue to contribute in an important way to the ongoing effort to eradicate cancer in our lifetime.  Online donations in the name of the school can also be made directly to the Terry Fox Foundation here.  We thank you for your support.

Kindergarten Picnic

Dear Kindergarten Families, We can't believe our 'End of the Year Picnic' is tomorrow! We have received many replies from fam...